Knowledge Library

Curated by BPI Network staff

Facts and Stats

Jan 01, 2015
47% of the industrial market does not plan on investing in IoT in the foreseeable future and 44% of that market does not understand or know about the IoT.
LNS Research *

Jan 01, 2015
21% of manufacturing companies have interest in IoT but are still investigating the impact.
LNS Research *

Jan 01, 2015
16% of manufacturing companies understand/are aware of IoT but see no impact at this time.
LNS Research *

Jan 01, 2015
Only 4% of manufacturing companies have customer demands are causing them to start to invest in IoT technologies
LNS Research *

Jan 01, 2015
9% of manufacturing companies are rapidly pursuing IoT opportunities either for operations, for customers, or both.
LNS Research *

Jan 01, 2015
6% of manufacturing companies see value to our operations and have started to invest in IoT technologies.
LNS Research *

Jan 01, 2015
By 2030, the Industrial Internet of Things could be worth (US dollars) $7.1 trillion to the United States, $1.8 trillion to China, $700 billion to Germany, and $531 billion to the United Kingdom.
Accenture *

Jan 01, 2015
With IIoT-enhancing measures in place, China could see its cumulative GDP rise by US$1.8 trillion by 2030, raising its GDP in 2030 by 1.3 percent over trend projections.
Accenture *

Jan 01, 2015
In a Accenture surveyed with more than 1,400 C-suite decision makers 84% believe their organizations have the capability to create new, service-based income streams from the IIoT. 73% confess that their companies have yet to make any concrete progress and 7% have developed a comprehensive strategy with investments to match. 
Accenture *

Jan 01, 2015
In a Accenture survey of over 1,400 C-suite decision makers, 96% of CEOs and executives expressed that the senior leadership in their organizations grasp at least something of the nature of the IIoT. But 38% say their leaders have completely understood it.
Accenture *